In Singapore, workplaces can be stressful and working hours can be long. Often, the difference between enjoying the challenge of a hard day's work and burning out can be determined by the relationship you share with your colleagues.
While many of you may think you're already seeing your colleagues more than your family and friends, daily office interactions don't typically translate to meaningful connections with your co-workers. Socialising outside the confines of your office is important for you to form lasting bonds with your colleagues.
Besides having a more enjoyable time at work, developing good working chemistry with your colleagues can also lead to better work performance through more effective communication, improved morale, greater collaborations and, perhaps most importantly, trust.
In time, some of these relationships may help you further your career and even develop into personal friendships lasting a lifetime. If your workplace already has a team-bonding session or if you're thinking of putting forward some ideas for a new initiative, here are four fun ways to get you started.