This article was originally published on 26 September 2020 and updated with new information.
Picture this: As you brush your teeth before heading to bed, you mentally review how your day went. You come to a stark realisation that none of the important things you set out to do were actually accomplished. Perhaps you planned to finish some piece of work, get in your daily exercise, or complete household chores. When you realise how much more productive you could have been, you start to feel the familiar tinge of regret and spit out your toothpaste, and vow to do better tomorrow. But the next day, you find yourself staring at the exact same situation.
Sound familiar?
Many people set themselves up for failure simply by starting the day off on the wrong foot and letting it spiral into unproductivity and weariness throughout the day. To avoid this, here are five tips you can incorporate to make your mornings awesome and lead a more productive day.