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AIA HealthShield Gold Max updates for 1 September 2024 revision
26 JULY 2024

Multiple Primary Cancers Coverage under AIA HealthShield Gold Max Standard Plan
23 FEBRUARY 2024

Preserve your AIA HealthShield Gold Max benefits with Shield Benefits Preserver (Claims Recovery)
21 AUGUST 2023

Premium revision of VitalHealth A & VitalCare
15 AUGUST 2023

Updates on Shield's coverage for cancer drug treatment
12 DECEMBER 2022

AIA preferred providers

AIA preferred providers refer to any public hospital or national specialty centres (such as National Heart Centre, National Cancer Centre, National Eye Centre) which is approved by the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Singapore and any private medical service provider listed under AIA Quality Healthcare Partners (AQHP) in our website.
AQHP is our panel of private specialist doctors exclusively curated for AIA HealthShield Gold Max customers. Each of them has at least 5 years of specialist experience and a clean professional track record.
AIA HSG Max customers will enjoy better benefits when they are treated by an AIA preferred provider.  

AIA introduced the AIA preferred providers framework as one of the measures to manage rising healthcare costs, in line with the recommendations put forth by the Health Insurance Task Force (HITF). This helps to ensure that health insurance premiums remain sustainable in the long run.

AIA HealthShield Gold Max customers will enjoy better benefits when treated by an AIA preferred provider. The differences are as follow:
  Treatment by AIA
preferred providers1
Treatment by non-AIA
preferred providers 
Basic: AIA HSG Max A / Special A 
  • Pre-hospitalisation benefit2
Within 13 months before hospitalisation 
Within 100 days before hospitalisation 
  • Post-hospitalisation benefit2
Within 13 months after hospitalisation  Within 100 days after hospitalisation 
  • Maximum claim limit 
S$2,000,000 per policy year3 S$1,000,000 per policy year
Rider: AIA Max VitalHealth A / B / B-Lite & AIA Max VitalCare4
  • Co-payment cap  
S$3,000 per policy year5
Rider: AIA Max VitalHealth A Value 
  • Co-payment cap
AQHP: S$6,000 per policy year5
Public hospital: S$3,000 per policy year5
1When there is more than one physician treating the insured for the same hospitalisation, the main treating physician must be an AIA preferred provider.
2Pre-hospitalisation benefit and post-hospitalisation benefit are payable for the same illness or injury treated during the hospitalisation.
3All hospitalisation and outpatient treatments must be provided by, or under, an AIA preferred provider within the same policy year.
4AIA Max VitalCare is withdrawn (not available for new business or for switching in).
5Regardless if a certificate of pre-authorisation is obtained.
6Except if a certificate of pre-authorisation is obtained before the treatment; or it is an emergency treatment the insured is referred for by an accident and emergency department in Singapore. In any of such case, the same co-payment cap applies.
Please refer to the respective contracts for the full terms and conditions. 

Cancer drug treatment and services

Cancer drug treatments on the CDL under the outpatient benefits covers cancer drug treatments on the CDL, up to the treatment-specific claim limits. We will not pay for a cancer drug treatment that is not in line with the indications specified on the CDL, or not found on the CDL ("non-CDL treatment").
You are encouraged to check with your doctor to find out if your treatment is on the CDL.
Cancer drug services refer to services that are part of any outpatient cancer drug treatment, such as consultations, scans, lab investigations, preparing and administering the treatment, supportive-care drugs, and blood transfusions. We will pay the cancer drug services under the outpatient benefits even if the service was provided for treatment with drugs not listed in the CDL.
You may purchase riders with outpatient cancer care benefits to supplement your AIA HSG Max policy to enjoy higher limits for cancer drug treatment on the CDL, cancer drug services and up to S$200,000 per policy year for selected non-CDL treatments.. 
All claims are subject to a 10% co-insurance.

MOH introduced the CDL to keep cancer treatments and insurance premiums affordable in the longer term. The CDL is a list of clinically proven and cost-effective cancer drug treatments (i.e drugs which are the most effective for the cost involved for specified clinical indications, dosage form and strength).
For more information, please refer to the FAQs on MOH's website at
You can find the CDL on MOH's website at https://go.gov.sg/moh-cancerdruglist. MOH updates the CDL every few months to keep up with medical advancements and the latest clinical evidence.

Through the CDL, MOH can negotiate better prices and provide subsidies for more cancer drugs. More than 80% of subsidised cancer patients in Public Health Institutions (PHI) will now be able to access a wider range of subsidised cancer drug treatments than before. These changes aim to keep cancer drug treatments and insurance premiums affordable in the longer term.

MediShield Life and MediSave cover treatments on the CDL from 1st September 2022.
For Integrated Shield Plan, such as AIA HealthShield Gold Max, and its riders, the CDL coverage started from 1st April 2023, when an existing policy is renewed, or a new policy is purchased.

You may check with your doctor if the treatment is on the CDL.
You can also visit the MOH's website at https://go.gov.sg/moh-cancerdruglist to view the latest CDL. The list contains information on subsidies (if applicable), MediShield Life and MediSave claim limit for each treatment (i.e. drug indication pair).

No, insureds are not limited to cancer drug treatment on the CDL.
If the insured undergoes a cancer drug treatment not listed on the CDL ("non-CDL treatment"), the non-CDL treatment will be covered if he has a rider with outpatient cancer care benefits.
The outpatient cancer care benefits covers for drug classes A, B, C, D1 to D3 and E1 to E3 (based on the Non-CDL Classification Framework developed by the Life Insurance Association of Singapore (LIA)) up to S$200,000 per policy year, subject to a 10% co-insurance for every claim.

Under AIA HSG Max, the claim limit will be a multiple of the MediShield Life (MSHL) limit for cancer drug treatment on the CDL. For the latest MSHL limit, please refer to the MOH's website at https://go.gov.sg/moh-cancerdruglist. A 10% co-insurance applies for each claim.
  HSG Max A / Special A 
HSG Max B / Special B1 
HSG Max B Lite1
HSG Max Standard1
Outpatient benefits:    
Cancer drug treatments on the Cancer Drug List (CDL)
(monthly limit)
5 times of MSHL limit 3 times of MSHL limit
Cancer Drug Services
(yearly limit)
5 times of MSHL limit 2 times of MSHL limit
1Pro-ration factor applies for treatment in private hospital or private medical institution.
The insured will also enjoy additional coverage as follow if he is covered under AIA HSG Max rider with outpatient cancer care benefits:
AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster
(attachable to AIA HSG Max A / Special A)
Without AIA Max VitalCare2 / AIA Max VitalHealth (A / A Value) With AIA Max VitalCare2 / AIA Max VitalHealth (A / A Value)
  • Cancer drug treatment on the Cancer Drug List (CDL)
    (monthly limit, on top of AIA HSG Max limit)
16 times of MSHL limit
(less 10% co-insurance for every claim3)
16 times of MSHL limit
(subject to the respective rider's co-payment and co-payment cap per policy year4)
  • Cancer Drug Services
    (yearly limit, on top of HSG Max plan limit)
10 times of MSHL limit
(less 10% co-insurance for every claim3)
10 times of MSHL limit
(subject to the respective rider's co-payment and co-payment cap per policy year4)
  • Cancer Drug Treatment not on the Cancer Drug List (non-CDL treatments6)
    (yearly limit)
(less 10% co-insurance for every claim)
(less 10% co-insurance for every claim)
The above cancer coverage will not apply to AIA HSG Max A / Special A policyholders if the AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster is not attached.
  AIA Max VitalHealth B
(attachable to AIA HSG Max B / Special B) 
AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite
(attachable to AIA HSG Max B Lite) 
  • Cancer drug treatment on the Cancer Drug List (CDL)
    (monthly limit, on top of AIA HSG Max limit5)
10 times of MSHL limit
(subject to the respective rider's co-payment and co-payment cap per policy year4)
  • Cancer Drug Services
    (yearly limit, on top of AIA HSG Max limit5)
8 times of MSHL limit
(subject to the respective rider's co-payment and co-payment cap per policy year4)
  • Cancer drug treatment not on the Cancer Drug List (non-CDL treatment6)  
    (yearly limit5
(less 10% co-insurance for every claim)

2Withdrawn plan (not available for new business or for switching in).
3Co-insurance is capped at S$50,000 per policy year if the treatment is by an AIA preferred provider / pre-authorised / due to an emergency confinement.
4Co-payment is
  • 10% or 5% per claim, capped at S$6,000 or S$3,000 per policy year for AIA Max VitalHealth A Value for treatment in a private hospital or public hospital respectively
  • 5% per claim, capped at S$3,000 per policy year for the rest of the riders.
  • Co-payment is capped if treatment is by an AIA preferred provider / pre-authorised / due to an emergency confinement.
    5After pro-ration factor is applied for treatment in a private hospital.
    6Only non-CDL treatments under selected drug classes A, B C, D1 to D3 and E1 to E3 of the LIA's non-CDL Classification Framework are covered. For non-CDL treatments, (i) we do not cover the co-insurance incurred, (ii) co-payment cap do not apply for the co-insurance incurred, and (iii) the co-insurance incurred will not count towards the co-payment cap under the deductible & co-insurance benefits. 
    If more than one cancer drug treatments are given for one primary cancer in a month, we will pay up to the highest limit from among the covered CDL treatments in that month. 
    In addition, should a drug be removed from the treatment or replaced with another drug indicated 'for cancer treatment' on the CDL due to intolerance or contraindications (for example, allergic reactions), the treatment will be covered. In such cases, the claim limit for the unaltered CDL treatment will apply.
    If you are uncertain if your outpatient cancer treatment is considered a CDL treatment, please consult your doctor.
    Patients receiving treatment for multiple primary cancers may also receive higher coverage  for cancer drug treatments on the CDL and cancer drug services under the outpatient benefits and outpatient cancer care benefits in AIA HSG Max and riders respectively.
    Please click here for further information on multiple primary cancers coverage.

    In this example, Acalabrutinib is covered under drug treatment on the CDL as it is prescribed for the cancer type and indication in accordance with the CDL as follow:
    • Cancer type: Leukaemia
    • Indication: Monotherapy for previously untreated chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL)/small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL) in patients who are unsuitable for fludarabine-based therapy.
    Claim example for cancer drug treatment on CDL
    CDL treatment: Acalabrutinib in a Private hospital / clinic
    Plan: AIA HealthShield Gold Max A + optional AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster
      MediShield Life (MSHL) Claim Limit1 AIA Claim Limit
    AIA HSG Max A / Special A2 Optional AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster2 Total Claim Limit
    Cancer drug treatments on the Cancer Drug List (CDL)
    (monthly limit)
    (5x MSHL)
    (16x MSHL)
    (21x MSHL)
    Cancer drug services
    (yearly limit)
    S$3,600 S$18,000
    (5x MSHL)
    (10x MSHL) 
    (15x MSHL)
    1The MSHL claim limit for cancer drug treatments on the CDL mentioned above is correct as of 1 January 2024. The MSHL's cancer drug services claim limit mentioned above is effective from 1 April 2023.
    2 (1) 10% co-insurance applies to the payout for cancer drug treatments on the CDL and cancer drug services. (2) If AIA Max VitalHealth A / AIA Max VitalHealth A Value / AIA Max VitalCare is not attached, we will cap the 10% co-insurance incurred per claim at S$50,000 per policy year if treatment is: (i) by an AIA preferred provider, (ii) pre-authorised, or (iii) due to an emergency.

    There are situations when a cancer treatment is considered non-CDL when the cancer drug is on the CDL. Below we share some examples.
    Scenario  Example What is considered a CDL treatment or non-CDL treatment
    The cancer drug used is not for the indications specified on the CDL
    Cancer drug A is used for the treatment of breast cancer. 
    The clinical indication for cancer drug A on the CDL is to treat locally advanced or metastatic EGFR mutation-positive non-small-cell lung cancer.
    Cancer drug A is considered a non-CDL treatment. 
    Clinical indication for cancer drug A on the CDL is to treat lung cancer, not breast cancer. 
    Insured has received multiple cancer drug treatments in a particular month. 
    If any of the CDL treatment has an indication that states "monotherapy", we will only pay for CDL treatments with the indication "for cancer treatment" in that month.
    Insured receives the below treatment: 
    CDL Treatment A ("monotherapy") + CDL Treatment B ("for cancer treatment") + CDL Treatment C ("for cancer treatment")
    CDL Treatment A with an indication that states 'monotherapy' is considered a non-CDL treatment. 
    CDL treatment B and C with indication of "for cancer treatment" are considered CDL treatment and we will pay up to the highest limit among B and C in that month, subject to the benefit limit of your policy.
    Insured has received multiple cancer drug treatments in a particular month and none of them has an indication that states 'monotherapy'. 
    If more than one of the CDL treatments have an indication that is not "for cancer treatment", we will only pay for CDL treatments with the indication "for cancer treatment" in that month.
    Insured receives the below treatment:
    CDL Treatment A ("for cancer treatment") + CDL Treatment B ("for cancer treatment") + CDL Treatment C (indication other than "for cancer treatment") + CDL Treatment D (indication other than "for cancer treatment")
    CDL Treatment C and D with indication other than "for cancer treatment" are considered non-CDL treatments. 
    CDL treatment A and B with indication "for cancer treatment" are considered CDL treatment and we will pay up to the highest limit among A and B in that month, subject to the policy limit of your policy.
    The above are just examples and do not cover for all situations. If you are uncertain if your outpatient cancer treatment is considered a CDL treatment, please check with your doctor.
    Cancer drug treatment not on the CDL (non-CDL treatments) are only covered if the insured has a rider with outpatient cancer care benefits. Only drug classes A, B, C, D1 to D3 and E1 to E3 (as shown in the LIA Non-CDL classification framework) are covered, up to S$200,000 per policy year, subject to a 10% co-insurance for every claim.

    Insureds who are receiving non-CDL treatments may wish to discuss with their doctors if there are other suitable treatments on the CDL. If switching to a CDL treatment is not possible or there are financial concerns, you can consider the following options:
    • For subsidised patients, you may approach a Medical Social Worker (MSW) in the public healthcare institution (PHI) for financial assistance such as MediFund.
    • For non-subsidised patients in a PHI or a private medical institution, you may approach your doctor for referral to a PHI, where financial assistance may be available. The PHI's medical team will review your treatment plan and provide financial counselling (e.g., eligibility for subsidies) to assist and advise on the transfer.

    If you are a Singapore Citizen or a Singapore Permanent Resident, all outpatient cancer treatment claims are to be e-filed.
    E-filing is not available for foreigner shield plans. If you are a foreigner, please submit your bills on AIA+ or our website. Please submit the bill with a doctor's memo, which states the MediClaim drug code for CDL/Non-CDL and indication code. 

    Coverage for multiple primary cancers

    'Multiple primary cancers' refers to two or more cancers that arise from different sites of the body or are of different histology or morphology groups (that have a different microscopic structure, form or shape), as diagnosed by an oncologist.
    Higher claim limits for patients receiving treatment for multiple primary cancers are granted on basis of an application.
    The treating doctor would need to send the application form to MOH (for MediShield Life (MSHL) claims) and AIA (for MediSave-approved integrated shield plan claims) for review and approval.
    Customers may be required to submit the following for our review:
    1. evidence provided by the appropriate physician or specialist as the case may be;
    2. appropriate medical investigations or reports or both, including (but not limited to) clinical, radiological, histological and laboratory evidence; and
    3. any other documents we ask for.

    AIA HSG Max plan provides higher coverage for multiple primary cancers, where:  

    • for cancer drug treatment on the CDL, we will pay up to the sum of the highest limit among the claimable CDL treatments received for each primary cancer in that month; and
    • for cancer drug services, claim limit is doubled within the policy year.
    An insured is diagnosed with lung cancer and brain cancer and given the following treatment. The total benefit payable for the cancer drug treatment on the CDL and cancer drug services under the outpatient benefits are as follow:
    AIA HSG Max A / Special A, B / Special B and B Lite
    Cancer drug treatment on the Cancer Drug List (CDL) 
    (monthly limit)  
    Cancer drug services
    (yearly limit) 
    Highest MediShield Life (MSHL)
    limit from among the covered CDL treatments1
    AIA HSG Max2 MSHL Limit AIA HSG Max2
    Lung Cancer S$1,000 S$5,000 
    (5X MSHL) 
    S$5,000 + S$6,000 = S$11,0002,4 S$7,2003 S$36,0002,4
    (5X MSHL) 
    Breast Cancer S$1,200 S$6,000
    (5X MSHL)  
    AIA HSG Max A / Special A with AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster 
    Cancer drug treatment on the CDL
    (monthly limit)  
    Cancer Drug Services
    (yearly limit)
    Highest MSHL limit1 from
    among the covered CDL treatments
    AIA HSG Max A / Special A +
    AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster2
    MSHL Limit AIA HSG Max A / Special A + AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster2
    Lung Cancer S$1,000 S$21,000 
    (21X MSHL) 
    S$21,000 + S$25,200 = S$46,2004 S$7,2003 S$108,0004
    (15X MSHL) 
    Breast Cancer S$1,200 S$25,200
    (21X MSHL)  
    There is no change to the limits of compensation for cancer drug treatment not on the CDL (non-CDL treatments) and co-insurance cap.
    AIA HSG Max B / Special B with AIA Max VitalHealth B or AIA HSG Max B Lite with AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite
    Cancer drug treatment on the CDL
    (monthly limit)  
    Cancer Drug Services
    (yearly limit)
    Highest MSHL limit1 from
    among the covered CDL treatments
    AIA HSG Max B / Special B +
    AIA Max VitalHealth B2
    MSHL Limit
    AIA HSG Max B / Special B +
    AIA Max VitalHealth B2
    Lung Cancer S$1,000 S$15,000 
    (15X MSHL) 
    S$15,000 + S$18,000 = S$33,0004 S$7,2003 S$93,6004
    (13X MSHL) 
    Breast Cancer S$1,200 S$18,000
    (15X MSHL)  
    The same will apply to AIA HSG Max B Lite with AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite. 
    There is no change to the limits of compensation for cancer drug treatment not on the CDL (non-CDL treatments).
    AIA HSG Max Standard Plan
    Cancer drug treatment on the CDL
    (monthly limit)  
    Cancer Drug Services
    (yearly limit)
    Highest MSHL limit1 from
    among the covered CDL treatments
    AIA HSG Max Standard2
    MSHL Limit
    AIA HSG Max Standard2
    Lung Cancer S$1,000 S$3,000 
    (3X MSHL) 
    S$3,000 + S$3,600 = S$6,6004 S$7,2003 S$14,4004
    (2X MSHL) 
    Breast Cancer S$1,200 S$3,600
    (3X MSHL)  
    1If more than one cancer drug treatments are given for the same single primary cancer in a month, the payout under the cancer drug treatment on the CDL shall be up to the highest limit among the covered CDL treatments.
    210% co-insurance applies to the payout  
    3The MSHL's cancer drug services  limit is correct as of 23 Feb 2024.  For the latest MSHL limit for Cancer Drug Services, check "Cancer Drug Services" under the MediShield Life Benefits on MOH's website (https://go.gov.sg/mshlbenefits). MOH may update this from time to time. The latest limit will apply to cancer drug services received within the policy year during which the list was updated. 
    Higher claim limits for multiple primary cancers are granted on the basis of an application, which the physician would need to send to MOH (for MediShield Life claims) and us (for MediSave-approved integrated shield plan claims) for review and approval.

    Higher claim limits for patients receiving treatment for multiple primary cancers are granted on the basis of an application, which the physician needs to send to MOH for MediShield Life claims and us (for MediSave-approved integrated shield plan (IP) claims) for review and approval.  
    Please follow the steps below for AIA assessment.
    1. The treating doctor needs to send in the application form (Application for higher MediShield Life and MediSave Limit for patient with multiple primary cancers), indicating the insured's multiple primary cancers diagnosis and details of treatment for each primary cancer, to MOH and AIA for assessment of MSHL and IP plans coverage respectively, prior to the commencement of the treatment for multiple primary cancers.
    2. AIA will review the application and issue a certificate of pre-authorisation via AIA+ when the application has been approved.  
    You are strongly advised to submit your application for multiple primary cancers at least 1 month before your treatment starts. Otherwise, it may lengthen the process for assessment and reimbursement.
    We will only provide higher coverage for multiple primary cancers after we have reviewed and approved the treatment plan. Otherwise, coverage for multiple primary cancers will be based on the limits for "one primary cancer". 

    Claims-based pricing and premiums

    Claim-based premium pricing is a pricing approach to offer our policyholders more control over their future renewal premiums by managing their claim experience. Customers who make less claims will enjoy lower premiums when they renew their policy.
    It applies to AIA Max VitalCare only, which is not available for new business or for switching in from 1 April 2024. For more information on your AIA Max VitalCare policy, please refer to your contract or approach your AIA Financial Service Consultant or insurance representative.

    There are five premium levels in the claim-based premium pricing for AIA Max VitalCare, from standard level (the lowest premium) to level 4 (the highest premium). 
    Standard level premium (the lowest premium level of your age band) applies at the start of the policy. At each renewal, the premium level for AIA Max VitalCare will move up or down from the existing premium level, depending on any claims made during the premium evaluation period. 
    If no claims were made during the premium evaluation period while your premium level is at standard level, you will continue to enjoy the no-claim discount on your standard level premium at your next policy renewal.

    Claim-based premium pricing rewards customers who actively manage their health and are reasonable in their medical services usage.

    If you are paying the standard level premium and do not make any claim under AIA Max VitalCare during the premium evaluation period, you will enjoy a no-claim discount on your renewal premium. The no-claim discount applies only to the AIA Max VitalCare premium, and will increase to up to 25% based on the number of years without claim.

    Claim-based premium pricing only applies to AIA Max VitalCare, which is no longer available for new business or switching in.
    Customers who do not want to be subject to claim-based premium pricing may consider switching to AIA Max VitalHealth A or AIA Max VitalHealth A Value riders. 
    When considering switching, customers should think of factors such as age, pre-existing conditions, appropriate healthcare for your needs and affordability of future premiums. It is important to understand that your pre-existing condition(s) may not be covered under the new plan, or you may need to pay a higher premium (loading). 
    Customers are encouraged to speak with your AIA Financial Services Consultant or insurance representative for further advice based on your existing portfolio and health insurance needs.

    Claim-based premium pricing applies only to AIA Max VitalCare. AIA Max VitalCare is a rider that is only attachable to the AIA HealthShield Gold Max A plan. It is not available for new business or switching in.

    For the very first renewal, the premium evaluation period is the first 10 months from the date your insurance cover started. 
    For subsequent renewals, the premium evaluation period is the 12-month that starts on the day after the previous premium evaluation period ends. 
    For example, if a premium evaluation period ends on 8 November 2024, the next premium evaluation period will be from 9 November 2024 to 8 November 2025.

    AIA will inform you on your premium level in the yearly premium notification letter before your policy renews. You can also login to AIA+ to find out your premium level.

    Yes. The standard level premium rates are not guaranteed and are expected to be adjusted from time to time to allow for our claims experience, medical inflation and general cost of medical treatments, supplies or services in Singapore.

    When there were claims made for both private hospital and public hospital treatment during the same premium evaluation period, the claims will be added together to calculate the total claim amount paid. We will determine the premium level to apply at renewal based on the total claim amount for private hospital treatments.

    Standard level premium (the lowest premium level of your age band) applies at the start of the policy. At each renewal, the premium level for AIA Max VitalCare will move up or down from the existing premium level, depending on any claims made during the premium evaluation period.
    AIA will inform you on your premium level in the yearly premium notification letter before your policy renews. You can also log in to our customer portal to find out your premium level. 
    The lock in date for AIA Max VitalCare's renewal premium level is 2 calendar months before the next policy anniversary date.

    Deductibles and co-insurance

    A deductible is the amount you need to pay for the covered medical expenses in your bill before you can claim under your insurance policy. 
    After you pay the deductible, you will also need to pay the co-insurance for the covered medical expenses before your insurance policy starts to pay. The amount claimable under the AIA HealthShield Gold Max policy is subject to both deductible and the co-insurance.
    Both deductibles and co-insurance features help to keep premiums affordable.
    By purchasing a VitalHealth rider, you can reduce your out-of-pocket expenses by covering the deductibles and co-insurance under your AIA HSG max policy, subject to a co-payment for every claim.

    On co-payment
    After paying the applicable deductible, policyholder needs to pay a minimum of 5% co-payment on their covered bills before the insurance policy covers the rest of the expenses. This means that Integrated Shield Plan and rider does not cover 100% of the medical bills.
    The 5% co-payment does not apply to expenses not covered by AIA as the full amount is already paid by the policyholder.
    On co-payment cap
    Co-payment cap of S$3,000 (or S$6,000 for VitalHealth Max A Value) per policy year applies, if (i) the treatment is under an AIA preferred provider, or (ii) a certificate of pre-authorisation is obtained for treatment by a non-AIA preferred provider or (iii) it is an emergency treatment referred by an A&E department in Singapore. 
    The co-payment cap of S$3,000 applies to emergency hospitalisation via A&E, even if the treating doctor is non-panel and/or without pre-authorisation.
    The co-payment cap feature under AIA Max VitalHealth and AIA Max VitalCare helps to keep the out-of-pocket medical expenses which you need to pay per policy year to a capped amount. The minimum co-payment cap insurers can apply is $3,000.

    Deductible waiver pass is a feature under AIA Max VitalHealth A rider.
    1Subject to 5% co-payment.

    Customers may refer to AIA+ to find out their deductible waiver pass status at any time.

    Early-detection screening benefit

    We introduced the early-detection screening benefit for AIA HealthShield Gold Max with rider1 in 2019 as part of our efforts to help our customers stay healthy and manage their health for the long term. Appropriate screening can help to detect potentially serious medical condition(s) in advance so patients can receive timely treatment, helping you to lead a healthier, longer and better life.
    You may also refer to our website for more information.
    1Applicable only for AIA Max VitalHealth A and AIA Max VitalCare riders.

    Insureds under the following plans are entitled to the early-detection screening benefit when they have reached the eligibility age on their policy anniversary:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A
    • AIA Max VitalCare
    Also, the rider must have been in-force for at least 2 consecutive years and we have received the premiums paid for the next policy year.
    Please refer to Question 3 for the age criteria.

    The screenings available under the early-detection screening benefit are:
    Insured Eligibility
    Males and females,
    age 50 and above
    Every 10 years from the policy year of the last screening voucher's issuance date
    Mammogram Females, age 40 to 69
    Every 2 years from the policy year of the last screening voucher's issuance date
    The first screening voucher will be issued on the policy anniversary when the insured meets the eligibility criteria, or when the premium for the next policy year is paid and received by AIA, whichever is later.
    Note: The early-detection screening benefit is for healthy individuals. It is not suitable for customers who have existing symptoms of breast or colorectal conditions, or those with a prior history of breast or colorectal conditions. Customers who are not eligible for this benefit are encouraged to continue their follow-up with their respective doctors. You may refer to the terms and conditions on the early-detection screening vouchers for more details.

    AIA will inform you via SMS or email when the voucher is issued in AIA+ app. You may refer question 2 and 3 for the eligibility criteria.

    No, this free health screening is optional. 

    You may do so in just 4 simple steps:
    Step 1: Find your voucher
    Upon receiving SMS / email notification from AIA, you may retrieve your screening voucher from AIA+.
    Step 2: Make an appointment
    Make an appointment with your preferred clinic/imaging centre from our list of participating screening partners.
    Step 3: Go for your screening
    Present the following when you register at the clinic / imaging centre on the day of your screening
    • AIA Early Detection Screening Voucher; and
    • Your NRIC / FIN / Passport
    Step 4: Collect your health report
    Collect your health check report directly from the clinic/imaging centre where you had done your health screening.

    The voucher is valid for 1 year from the policy anniversary date.

    The voucher is valid for 1 year from your policy anniversary date, and it cannot be extended.
    We strongly encourage you to make an appointment with your preferred screening partners in advance to secure your preferred date and time. You may reach them via voice call, SMS, WhatsApp, and/or email as shared in the list.

    Please refer to terms and conditions mentioned on the early detection screening voucher.

    Further investigations and treatments may be covered if they fall within the benefits of your AIA HSG Max A policy, subject to applicable terms and conditions. Claims for any such expenses will be reviewed according to the terms of the policy.

    Home palliative care benefit

    Home palliative care provides palliative services and care in the patient's home. Common palliative services include changing of wound dressings, feeding tubes, stoma care, urinary tube changes, provision of supportive medicines and nutritional feeds.
    The home palliative care benefit provides coverage for eligible items up to S$15,000 per month, with a maximum lifetime limit of S$45,000.
    It is available to insureds who are diagnosed with terminal illness (including cancer) with expected survival period of 12 months or less and have the following riders:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A & A Value
    • AIA Max VitalCare

    The home palliative care benefit is available for insureds who have the following riders, which are attachable to AIA HealthShield Gold Max A:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A Value
    • AIA Max VitalCare
    This benefit is payable to insureds who are diagnosed with terminal illness (including cancer) and have an expected survival period of 12 months or less.

    To apply for the service, you need a referral letter from your specialist, certifying that the expected survival period is 12 months or less, and submit to the AIA Appointed Home Palliative Care Provider(s).
    Step 1: Insured requires home palliative care service
    Step 2: Insured contacts AIA Appointed Home Palliative Care Provider with the relevant referral letter
    Step 3: AIA Appointed Home Palliative Care Provider contacts the insured.

    Please refer to the list below.

    Note: This list of appointed providers is correct as of 01 September 2024 and may be subject to change.
    1Only for terminal cancer cases

    The home palliative care benefit covers doctor's fee, nurses' fee, prescription drugs and supportive medicine (e.g. pain relief medications, total parenteral nutrition), medical consumables (e.g. wound dressings) and procedures (e.g. feeding tube changes, stoma wound care). If other items are needed, AIA will decide whether they are medically necessary and considered to be reasonable and customary.

    To submit a claim, you must meet the following conditions:
    1. The service is provided by an AIA Appointed Home Palliative Care Provider;
    2. This claim is accompanied by a specialist's letter confirming that the patient has a terminal illness with an expected survival period 12 months or less;
    3. The palliative claim is linked to an approved claim relating to a hospitalisation or an outpatient chemotherapy that the insured made under AIA HSG Max within the last six (6) months (Note: This is determined based on the date of the first home palliative claim).
    4. The claim is for eligible items needed for home palliative care. Refer to question 5 for the eligible items; and
    5. All claims for home palliative care benefit should be made within 12 months from the date when home palliative care starts, subject to the limit of compensation.


    It is a service where AIA approves coverage for a hospital admission, day surgery and outpatient cancer treatment based on your policy coverage and medical information provided by your doctor before your actual treatment.  This offers customers the assurance that their hospitalisation and treatment will be reimbursed.

    AIA HealthShield Gold Max customers can submit a pre-authorisation request for non-emergency hospital or surgical bill (including day surgery) before admission or surgery, and for outpatient cancer treatments.

    Non-emergency hospital admissions, day surgeries in all private hospitals, ambulatory centres and outpatient cancer centres are all eligible for pre-authorisation.

    You may apply for pre-authorisation on AIA+ or our website before your admission, day surgery or outpatient cancer treatment.
    We will send a link to your doctor to fill in an e-form when we have received your application for pre-authorisation. Please ensure that your doctor completes and submits the e-form for AIA HealthShield pre-authorisation at least 3 working days before your planned hospital admissions, day surgery or outpatient cancer treatment.
    For application and pre-authorisation process for multiple primary cancers (outpatient cancer treatment), please refer to the link for more information.

    We will issue you a certificate of pre-authorisation via AIA+ when the AIA HealthShield pre-authorisation request has been approved. It states the approved amount for that specific medical diagnosis, treatment date and procedures. A copy of the certificate of pre-authorisation will also be provided to the admitting hospital.

    We will contact you if your pre-authorisation request is declined or partially approved and provide the reasons for rejection. We will also offer alternatives and help you on your care journey.

    AIA HealthShield pre-authorisation is not applicable for emergency cases admitted through the hospital's A&E department.

    You do not need to apply for eLOG as the certificate of pre-authorisation also includes a waiver of deposit at hospital admission. However, the hospital will collect the deductible and co-insurance (if applicable) when you are getting discharged. We will settle the rest of your medical bill directly with the hospital.
    Please refer to this link for more information on eLOG.
    Note: Subject to acceptance of the certificate of pre-authorisation by the hospital.


    Premiums under AIA HSG Max and its rider are expected to be adjusted from time to time to allow for our claims experience, medical inflation and general cost of treatments, supplies or medical service in Singapore.
    Your premiums are used to pay for claims, commissions and distribution and management expenses involved in administering your policy*.
      2019 2022
    Claims^ 81% 77%
    Commissions and distribution 14% 11%
    Management expenses 7% 7%
    The cost of claims would change depending on the claim size and number of claims submitted by policyholders. In the past 3 years, the average bill size had remained unchanged in the public healthcare institutions but had increased by 15% in the private healthcare institutions. The number of claims submitted per policyholder had also increased by 8%.
     *Based on all long-term accident and health plans, including Integrated Shield Plans and riders. Premiums and claims are gross of reinsurance. 
    ^ In 2022, there were some deferments of elective procedures in hospitals as a result of covid waves. There has been an increase in claims since the second half of 2022, and this trend appears to continue in 2023.

    You may find the estimated amount of total lifetime premium payable on MOH's website (go.gov.sg/moh-compare-ip) for a comparison of the benefits and estimated lifetime gross premiums payable for the current selling Integrated Shield Plans across all insurers.
    The total lifetime premiums are calculated by taking the sum of premiums, from age next birthday (ANB) 1 to 100, based on insurers' premium tables. It does not include the premiums of the MediShield Life component of Integrated Shield Plans. Figures shown are for education and general information only. They do not represent the actual amount that the policyholder will pay over their lifetime as premium rates are not guaranteed and may be revised from time to time.

    Procedures for claims

    For Singaporeans (SGP) and Permanent Residents (PRs)
    Claims are to be submitted to us through the system set up by the MOH. The medical institution can submit your claim to the insurer on your behalf.
    However, this will not apply to claims under the following benefits
    • Pre-hospitalisation benefit
    • Post-hospitalisation benefits
    • Congenital abnormalities of the insured's biological child (for female insured)
    • Non-insured (as a living donor) donating an organ to the insured
    • Medical treatment outside Singapore benefits
    • Post-hospitalisation psychiatric treatment 
    These claims must be submitted on AIA+ or our website within 60 days from the date the insured is discharged from the hospital or the date of an outpatient treatment.
    For Foreigners
    Claims must be submitted on AIA+ or our website within 60 days from the date the insured is discharged from the hospital or the date of an outpatient treatment.
    For Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) claims:
    Please submit a completed Disability Claim form (which can be found on AIA+ or our website) and other proof of loss documents within 60 days from the date the insured satisfies the TPD definition as stated in our contract.
    Please refer to the respective policy contract for the full terms and conditions.  

    Please refer to the link provided here for further details.

    Pre-existing condition is any illness, disease or condition that the insured:
    • was diagnosed with; or
    • received (or should have received) treatment, medication, or advice from a physician for; or
    • had symptoms or signs of (and which would have led a reasonable and sensible person to get medical advice or treatment from a physician),
    before the policy date or the last reinstatement date, whichever is later.

    Mobile Inpatient Care @ Home (MIC@Home) is a care-delivery model, approved under MSHL, that allows patients to receive inpatient treatment in their own homes, instead of a public hospital. The insured needs to be assessed by a doctor to be clinically suitable.
    MIC@Home will be covered under daily room and board charges under the 'Hospitalisation and surgical benefits' and the following will be covered:
    • Transport-related services
    • Nursing at home
    • Renting medical appliances
    • Equipment or machine, including wheelchairs, braces, corrective devices, oxygen machine
    Pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation benefits will also be applicable to claims made under MIC@Home.
    More information can be found here: https://moht.com.sg/mic-home/.
    This benefit is available to AIA HealthShield Gold Max A/B/B Lite/C/Standard and AIA HealthShield Gold Max Plan 1-Non-Dependant of Singapore citizen / permanent resident (NDP) (for foreigners) plans.

    Except for an emergency or planned medical treatment outside Singapore (as covered under the policy terms & conditions), overseas medical treatments are not covered.
    "Emergency" means a sudden or unexpected serious medical condition or injury which happens outside Singapore and which urgent medical treatment is needed for (in our opinion or in the opinion of our medical advisor) to avoid death or serious risk to the insured's health. We can determine whether the claim is considered to be an emergency.

    The MediSave accredited institution(s) / referral centre(s) and the contact details can be found on CPFB | Can I use my MediSave for overseas treatment/hospitalisation
    Planned medical treatment outside Singapore will not be covered under AIA HSG Max policy if a referral has not been obtained from a MediSave-accredited institution / referral centre in Singapore for approved overseas hospitalisation as covered by MediSave.

    You may submit the original final hospital bill and a copy of our settlement letter to your company insurer to claim the balance of the hospital bill not covered under the integrated shield plan.

    All medically necessary medications related to the hospitalisation prescribed by the physician is claimable, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy. This does not include supplement, experimental drugs etc.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill. Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total bill was S$100K.
    With AIA HSG Max A
    John pays deductible:
    John pays
    co-insurance: S$9,650
    [10% x (S$100,000 - S$3,500)]
    HSG Max A (including
    MediShield Life) pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalHealth A covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. As the policy has a deductible waiver pass, John does not need to pay any deductible. With a certificate of pre-authorisation for his treatment, the co-payment payable by John will be capped at S$3,000. Hence, John will pay S$3,000 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A (with deductible waiver pass and a certificate of pre-authorisation)
    AIA Max VitalHealth A
    (which covers
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalHealth A covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. As the policy does not have a deductible waiver pass, John needs to pay S$2,000 deductible from his own pocket. With a certificate of pre-authorisation for his treatment, the co-payment payable by John will be capped at S$3,000 per policy year. Hence, John will pay a total of S$5,000 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A (No deductible waiver pass but with a certificate of pre-authorisation)
    John pays deductible:
    AIA Max VitalHealth A
    (which covers the
    remaining deductible
    and co-insurance)
    pays: S$8,150
    John pays
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalHealth A covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. As the policy has a deductible waiver pass, John does not need to pay any deductible. As treatment was not pre-authorised, the co-payment cap does not apply. Hence, John will pay a co-payment of S$5,000 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A (with deductible waiver pass without a certificate of pre-authorisation)
    AIA Max
    VitalHealth A
    (which covers
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays co-
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalHealth A covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. As the policy does not have a deductible waiver pass, John would need to pay S$2,000 deductible from his own pocket. As the treatment was not pre-authorised, the co-payment cap does not apply. Hence, John would need to pay a total of S$6,900 from his own pocket. The remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A (without deductible waiver pass or certificate of pre-authorisation)
    John pays deductible:
    AIA Max VitalHealth
    A (which covers the
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalCare covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. With a certificate of pre-authorisation, the co-payment payable by John will be capped at S$3,000. Hence, John only needs to pay S$3,000 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalCare (with certificate of pre-authorisation)
    AIA Max VitalCare
    (which covers
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalCare covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to 5% co-payment.
    Here is an example1:
    John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K. As the treatment was not pre-authorised, the co-payment cap does not apply. Hence, John would need to pay S$5,000 from his own pocket. The remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalCare (without a certificate of pre-authorisation)
    AIA Max VitalCare
    (which covers
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays co-
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max covers the majority of your medical bill while AIA Max VitalHealth A Value covers deductibles and co-insurance, subject to co-payment of up to 10%.
    Here is an example1:
    Example: John, who is covered under AIA HSG Max A, was hospitalised in a private hospital. His total eligible bill was S$100K.
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A Value (with a certificate of pre-authorisation).
    As the treatment is from a private hospital, John needs to pay S$3,500 deductible from his own pocket. With a certificate of pre-authorisation for his treatment, the co-payment payable by John will be capped at S$6,000. Hence, John will pay a total of S$9,500 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies.
    John pays deductible:
    AIA Max VitalHealth
    A Value (which
    covers the remaining
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays co-
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A Value (without a certificate of pre-authorisation)
    As the treatment is from a private hospital, John needs to pay S$3,500 deductible from his own pocket. As the treatment was not pre-authorised, the co-payment cap will not apply. Hence, John will pay a total of S$13,150 from his own pocket and the remaining bill is covered under his policies. 
    John pays deductible:
    AIA Max VitalHealth
    A Value (which
    covers the remaining
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays co-
    HSG Max A (including MediShield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    However, should John be admitted to an A-class ward of a public hospital, he does not need to pay any deductibles and a co-payment cap of S$3,000 applies, as shown below:
    With AIA HSG Max A and AIA Max VitalHealth A Value (A-class ward of a public hospital)
    John pays deductible:
    AIA Max VitalHealth
    A Value (which
    covers the remaining
    deductible and co-
    insurance) pays:
    John pays co-
    HSG Max A (including Medishield Life)
    pays: S$86,850
    1Please note that any claims on your policy would be subject to the terms and conditions of your policy contract.

    AIA HSG Max will cover ptosis (subject to terms and conditions of your policy contract) only when the condition affects your field of vision or results in a functional problem.
    If the severity of ptosis does not fulfil the intervention criteria set out by MOH or if the said intervention is meant for aesthetic or cosmetic purpose, it will not be covered under your AIA HSG Max policy.

    Switching of riders

    How does switching across riders work?
    You may switch your riders under your AIA HealthShield Gold Max policy, subject to underwriting.
    With effect from 1 April 2024, the following applies:
    Existing AIA Max VitalCare policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A, AIA Max VitalHealth A Value, AIA Max VitalHealth B or AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite – No underwriting is required.
    Existing AIA Max VitalHealth A policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A Value, AIA Max VitalHealth B or AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite – No underwriting is required.
    Existing AIA Max VitalHealth A Value policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A - Underwriting is required.
    • AIA Max VitalHealth B or AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite – No underwriting is required.
    Existing AIA Max VitalHealth B policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A or AIA Max VitalHealth A Value - Underwriting is required.
    • AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite – No underwriting is required.
    Existing AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A, AIA Max VitalHealth A Value or AIA Max VitalHealth B - Underwriting is required.
    Existing AIA Max Essential C policyholders may switch to:
    • AIA Max VitalHealth A, AIA Max VitalHealth A Value, AIA Max VitalHealth B or AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite - Underwriting is required.
    Note: Upon switching of riders, the basic plan will be switched accordingly.
    When considering switching, customers should think of factors such as age, pre-existing conditions, appropriate healthcare for your needs and affordability of future premiums. It is important to understand that your pre-existing condition(s) may not be covered under the new plan or you may need to pay a higher premium (loading).
    Customers are encouraged to speak with your AIA Financial Services Consultant or insurance representative for further advice based on your existing portfolio and health insurance needs.

    Value-added services

    What other value-added services do AIA HealthShield Gold Max customers enjoy?
    AIA HSG Max customers will enjoy the following value-added services1:
      Appointment requests with an AQHP specialist Telemedicine Personal Case Management Option to integrate with AIA Vitality 
    AIA HSG Max A / Special A/B /  Special B/B Lite/C2 - -
    AIA Max VitalCare2
    AIA Max VitalHealth A / A Value / B 
    AIA Max VitalHealth B Lite / AIA Max Essential C2 -
    AIA Max A Cancer Care Booster -
    1Subject to terms and conditions. 
    2Withdrawn plan (not available for new business or for switching in).
    Please refer to the respective links for more information.